Does the universe harbor any wood or wood-like structures?! And what properties do they have? This is what members of the KURZ Visionary Design Team from around the world set out to discover. During their mission in space, they found countless different objects that they brought back to Earth. In a world-first design project, spectacular visions for plastic surfaces made of sustainable materials were created in a team effort. The creations are named after the Visionary Design nomenclature of astronomy: Encrypted codes that allow as much leeway for interpretation as the creations themselves.

P1ANKT0 - Galaxy Plankton
Are we experiencing a supernova right now? The designs, with their selective highlights, nuances, and depths, are reminiscent of millions of new organisms that whirl through space. They seem to be rising towards a central point. This is what could have created these wood-like structures in space.

B10PL45 - Bioplastic
Natural or plastic? Wood or moss? Anything is possible! An excellent example of how much room for interpretation surfaces offer. The natural color scheme gives the design a vibrant, pulsating texture.

573P0NJ - Step on Jelly
What happens when the surface is touched? How do shapes and structures change? Those impressions are captured in a satellite perspective. Colors and lines blending into each other give the surface a sense of deceptively real movement that can continue indefinitely.

B10N1C1 - Bionic Wood
This combination of dynamic depths, surfaces, overlapping shapes, and colors sparks the imagination. Two- and three-dimensional geometries emerge. If you look at the wood for a long time, you can hear it breathing, see it expand, and then contract again.